As you know, Owensboro is fast becoming a very welcoming, inclusive community. Families have even moved to this area because of the disability-friendly environment and resources that are available in our location. Owensboro is home to several wonderful organizations that serve those with disabilities, including Wendell Foster, Puzzle Pieces, GRADSA, Dream Riders, and many more.
I think your organization can easily join their ranks by providing a sensory friendly hour for events when applicable. One specific instance could be for the airplane viewing for the Owensboro Airshow at the airport. Allowing an hour outside of the main event, focused on accommodating sensory issues, can be helpful for these individuals.
I am also a mother to a son with non-verbal autism. And so, I am uniquely aware of some of the challenges that can be faced by special needs families. I also know the importance and value of inclusion, and that inclusion takes effort. It can be difficult for those outside the world of disabilities to know how best to support and include individuals with special needs.
My son is a lover of all things transportation related: planes, trains, and automobiles. We attempt the airshow’s events every year that we can, but it’s often a struggle due to his disability. While attending the airplane viewing this year, I noticed another special needs family struggling as well, and that’s what prompted me to want to provide a possible solution.
Crowds can be overwhelming to those with a developmental or intellectual disability. They may already be at a heightened alertness due to their own excitement, which makes processing the environment around them even more confusing and complex. In an overwhelmed state, it may be more difficult for them to follow directions, wait in lines, stay with their caregivers, etc. This can lead to sensory overload, meltdowns, and frustration.
I believe that by providing a sensory friendly hour to explore the area, without the general crowds, without the announcements over the speakers, without the lines, you could make this event, and others like it, spectacular for families of all abilities. You would also be doing your part to make Owensboro the inclusive and welcoming environment that we strive to be.
I sincerely hope you will consider adding more opportunities for the whole of Owensboro and keep inclusion in mind when planning future events. I would be happy to continue a conversation on this important issue.